Russians Hackers cyber-attack RNC and 1,500 to over The Holiday WeekendBest 20+ Hacker Pictures [HD] | Download Free Images on Unsplash

 The Republican National Committee revealed that one of their technology contractors Synnex had been hacked by Russian Cyber Criminals. This is the same group that is responsible for the SolarWind attacks as well as the Democratic National Committee attacks 6 years ago. The extent of damage from this attack, however, was minimal, and none of the RNC’s data was accessed. REvil, another Russian hacker group also launched a cyber-attack on 1,500 companies around the world. They want a 70 billion bitcoin payout in order to stop the attack.

These two attacks come just Three weeks after President Biden’s first meeting with Putin. Biden in their meeting gave a list of 16 acts that they will no longer tolerate, and with these attacks, the lines have already been crossed. We will see in the near future how President Biden plans to respond.